Friday, June 02, 2006


Siberia , Russia
2001 Mark Thiessen

"As many as 20 firefighters can rappel to a fire from a turbo-powered Mi-8 helicopter

just click the image to have a larger veiw

Selkirk Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
1998 Maria Stenzel

Hikers move as a team to cross the mile-long [1.6-kilometer-long] glacier leading up to Serendipity Peak. A guide takes the lead to check the path for crevasses.

jst click the image to have a larger veiw

1972 Unknown (NASA)

"An Apollo 17 astronaut examines enormous lunar boulders resting in a crater at the Taurus-Littrow landing site."

jst click the image to have a larger veiw

Detroit , Michigan and Windsor, Ontario
2002 Victor Jose Cobo

Photographed from high above Detroit, Michigan, a bulk cargo freighter nearly a thousand feet long trundles past Windsor , Ontario (top), on its way to Lake Erie


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